About Mo
Mo Conlan began her career as a writer when she became a gobbler of stories, reading through the entire children’s section of the local library.
She worked for more than 30 years as a journalist, mostly wearing various hats on her hometown daily newspaper.
Since leaving newspaper work, Mo has been writing poetry and fiction and editing books. She also is an artist and was recently featured artist in the Poetry East magazine. For fun, Mo writes haiku and plays with her two cats. She makes art and hangs the colorful pieces in her home – a kind of pop-up museum.
Mo says of her novel: “This book evolved from my love of words, language and story. And my experiences of growing up a woman, with all its obstacles and opportunities. I began to think about what women in history – apart from queens and princesses – had to overcome.
My heroine Morwenna is a kind of Everywoman – oppressed by laws and yet managing by ingenuity to survive and thrive. Plus, attracting a devoted suitor -- every story deserves a little romance.”
Photo by Colleen Kelly